Alien Calf Mutilations
by jcm on Nov.27, 2009, under aliens
Recently there have been news reports of calf mutilations in southern Colorado (for example, here). The news reports suggest that the organs have been removed from the calves. The area in which the carcasses were found shows no sign of human presence or the presence of predators. The “neatness” of the organ removal and the lack of evidence such as tracks, drag marks, and pools of blood lead some to suspect that aliens must have been involved.
While an interesting hypothesis, aliens are not likely to have been responsible for the mutilation of calves in the wilderness. Aliens here on earth conducting scientific research involving dissection would perform the procedure in much the same way human scientists would. They would use a laboratory. The carcass would be fully used and any remains would be incinerated. The carcass would not be dumped in the wilderness with no trace of how the calf reached the location.
If aliens are behind the string of calf mutilations then the only likely explanation is that some young (i.e. “teenage”) aliens are out to “punk” the humans by butchering a few calves to cause some fear and anxiety. But, this isn’t a likely scenario as the risk of getting caught is too high. Alien children allowed to visit Earth do so under the strictest supervision. They have little opportunity to shed such supervision.
The most likely explanations are that humans are trying to pull a prank involving aliens or that the farmer(s) with the mutilated calf is trying to create some sort of insurance scam.