Experiment Gone Bad
by jcm on Aug.06, 2011, under aliens
On August 8, 2011 an unidentified “orange goo” began washing up on the shores of a remote Alaska village. Soon, the residents of Kivalina found the material appearing on the surface of any exposed water including buckets used for collecting rain water for drinking. The goo turned to powder and vanished just as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared.
Media reports suggest that the material is not petroleum-based or otherwise man-made. Residents collected samples and sent the goo to various labs for analysis. Their best working theory is that it is some sort of algae.
At least one conspiracy web site suggests that the goo is of extra-terrestrial origin. They suggest that it is some form of alien larva in preparation for an invasion.
Our information points to a rather different extra-terrestrial origin. World governments have tolerated large-scale spraying of experimental compounds over remote areas by various visiting alien races. The purposes of such spraying are unclear. It is generally believed such spraying enables remote research. The sprays normally contain nano-scale probes and sensors. However, some may have more nefarious purposes.
We believe this incident is the result of the malfunctioning of a nano-scale research spray. The nanites failed to activate and reproduce correctly. Given the speed with which the goo dissipated it is likely harmless.