Truth Sieve

Moon Hoax

by on Jul.17, 2009, under aliens

Now that we’ve reached the 40th anniversary of the Apollo XI Moon landing the subject of the whole mission being a hoax has come up again.  NASA has been working on restoring the video of the original landing.  The problem is that the original tapes of the first moon landing were lost.  Actually, they were erased due to a shortage of data tapes during the 1970s.  Conspiracy theorists argue that the conveniently lost tapes are some of the evidence of the Moon landings never having happened.

The conspiracy theorists are right; the lost tapes are a conspiracy but not of the kind that they expect.  Some of the original video showed an alien ship monitoring the first Moon landing.  The quality of the original transfer to television was so poor that viewers in that era would not have seen it.  However, as video technology has improved the chance that some one would notice an unusual vessel in the background would increased.  The groups that are aware of aliens determined that it would be better that the original tapes were “erased and reused” due to a “shortage” of data tapes.  NASA is a victim in this conspiracy.

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